Medal of Honor Frontline Cheats
Enter the following codes in the passwords section of the options menu
Gold stars in all missions- DAWOIKS
Mission skip- MONKEY
1-hit kills- WHATYOUGET
Invisible enemies- WHERERU
Rubber grenades- BOING
M0Hton Torpedo- TPDOMOHTON
Snipe-o-rama- LONGSHOT
Perfectionist- URTHEMAN
Achilles head- GLASSJAW
Making of D-day- BACKSTAGEO
Making of needle in a haystack- BACKSTAGER
Making of horten's nest- BACKSTAGES
Making of several bridges too far- BACKSTAGEF
Men with hats- HABRDASHR
Gameplay cheats
Invincible- Pause and press Square, L1, Circle, R1, Triangle, L2, Select, R2
Unlimited ammo- Pause and press Circle, L2, Square, L1, Select, R2, Triangle, Select